Let me introduce myself to those of you who are not familiar with me. My name is H L Schaeffer, but everyone affectionately calls me H or HL.
There are many names and labels that have been placed upon me. I am known in some circles as a gifted
intuitive consultant-healer, a reikimaster and hypnotherapist.
To some, I am an effective life empowerment coach & interfaith minister. To others, I'm an empathic psychic- medium, who can communicate with Angelic spiritual beings. I have been called upon as a paranormal investigator. And then there are those who just plain and simple call me a nut. LOL
I personally don’t subscribe to the name/label game. I never have and never will. My attitude has always been the same. Call me what ever you’d like, as long as you get the letter right.
I consider myself to be a human telephone pole between
our world and the Divine. I am able to communicate and assist in helping to heal the living and, at times, just as
easily to heal the dead and communicate with the spirit world. I have been able to see and feel spirits for as long
as I can remember being conscious.
I hope to serve as a motivator for you. Someone who has been able to reach the infinite levels of our spiritual world, but whom you can also find very approachable.
I am an open, upfront, down to earth type of person just
like everybody else. Except, I can also speak to Spirits. In my personal life, at times I will drink, eat meat, be loud. Sometimes show a Brooklyn potty mouth, am politically incorrect, and love to wear my furs. I don’t put on airs. Plus, once I get going, I have a very infectious laugh.
I am not perfect, I am just me.
And like all of us, I am also a work in progress. I am very encouraged to see other colleagues in this field who also share my same down-to-earth attitude about things.
The purpose of my practice and writing my book "H is For Healing: Inside The Life of a Psychic Healer & 9/11 Survivor" is to shed light onto some of the mysteries of life. Throughout the book, you will see a combination of challenges I have personally gone through, along with how-to strategies developed from the lessons and knowledge gained along the way. Also included are some extremely helpful meditations, I have created to assist you in optimal healing.
I hope sharing my experiences will open a door to new infinite possibilities for you and Spirit to work together.
I share with you my vulnerabilities and how I overcame
many of them. Follow my lead and you, too, will be able to manage to overcome many of your own problems. That is, only if you will allow yourself to look outside of the proverbial box. Remember, fear is nothing but a big stop sign, which blocks you from truly living your life. We all have fears and phobias that hinder our ability to be all that we can be. In part, that is what we are here for. To learn how you can transform those dark spots to the higher lights.
Allow yourself to move past your own limitations and challenges, to a life of bliss and abundance.